Our Team

Do what you do so well that they want to see it again and bring their friends.
— Walt Disney



With previous roles as a London Wedding DJ, African IT Consultant, and international event planner, Steve has a wealth of experience. The fact that Steven is an anagram of Events is no coincidence!

Favourite food: Salt n Pepper Chips

Favourite drink: Cuba Libra !



Event Manager

Joined the team in 2012 after being discovered in an event co-ordinator position at a wedding venue. Rachel LOVES food and drink and holds extensive knowledge of both.

Favourite foods: Too difficult but to name a few... poutine, sushi, proper wood fired pizza, anything Thai and anything CHOCOLATE

Favourite drink: Modelo....Malbec....Pornstar Martini (Rachel is always indecisive).


Head Chef

Damo is larger than life and brings an enormous wealth of experience and volume to Good Food Story. We are not sure exactly when we first met - its the stuff of legends now, but one things for sure, he can never leave!

Favourite food: So many, but always with lots of butter

Favourite drink: Jack Daniels Honey

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Event Manager

Joined the team in 2012 as an event staff team leader, then joined full time as event manager in 2013. Alex previously worked in Meribel for a ski season. She plays a lot of netball and is easy to spot as is the tallest in the team.

Favourite foods: Gambas Pil Pil or sushi

Favourite drink: Espresso Martini or a LARGE glass of red wine


Event Manager

Jennie joined as part of our waiting team way back in 2015 and has been with us on and off ever since. Finally stepping up to Event Manager in 2022, Jennie knows GFS back to front and if she were to ever get cut in half by mistake, she would have GFS all the way through her.

Favourite food:

Favourite drink: Costa


Team mascot

The Good Food Story mascot, joined at birth in 2015.

Favourite foods: Cheese and fish

Favourite drink: H20
